Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Project report available

The report of this project by the Sustaining Digital Scholarship for Sustainable Culture group is now available as a pdf (web version coming soon). Lasting Change (available by clicking here) is a Knowledge Synthesis on the Digital Economy funded by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada from August to December 2010.

We would be happy to learn of people's reaction to the report via this blog.

Thanks to everyone who contributed to this report either directly or indirectly.


Monday, December 6, 2010

Funders and Sustainability

Here's an interesting initiative on the part of the ACH to try to get DH funders to put guidelines in place for sustaining the results of the research they fund (reposting from Humanist List):

Bethany Nowviskie, on behalf of the ACH (Association for Computers in the Humanities) is seeking ideas for an open letter they are drafting to the funders of digital humanities projects, advocating for the establishment of data curation or management plans and open source / open access guidelines.

You can add your comments/thoughts to this Google doc or you can contribute to the discussion on DHAnswers.